You've seen the Lion King. You've seen Toy Story. You've seen The Incredibles. You've seen Encanto. Now, get ready for this awe inspiring beautiful masterpiece of a film created by the award winning company, Licensing Brands, creators of other amazing films such as "The Big Trip" and "The Princess and the Dragon". But neither of them come nearly as close to this heart-wrenching, marvelous movie with a plot so intricate and elaborate, a set design so detailed, and suspense so strong that it could rival even the best of Hitchcock's works. This movie, dear friends, is Pinocchio: A True Story. Who could've thought that a story of a wooden boy so deeply yearning to be on his own and see the world could've impacted a weary and tired soul like mine so very deeply? Why, who could've guessed that this film could've brought tears to these desperate and desolate eyes of mine, which have withstood the trials and sufferings of many ages and battles. Why, I was brought to tears when I witnessed the injustices done to this poor boy because of the wooden makeup of his skin. There were points in the movie in which my hand tightly rested upon the remote control, my index finger shaking increasingly in fear for the puppet's well-being, ready to power of the television in the case that the movie became too intense. No film has impacted me this much to this day, and the mere fact that it has no reviews on Rotten Tomatoes is an absolute insult. It pains my heart greatly to discover this, and I've never been so utterly disappointed to see an immaculate masterpiece like this one to be so unappreciated and discarded for in my life. But I'm sure that this film, being as wonderful as it was, broke the hearts of all the critics out there so much that they couldn't bear to write an honest review. That it all I have to say for now however, as I go on to watch "The Emoji Movie", another one of my all time favorites.