One thing about SPs is that while, as Jordan Petersen pointed out , they have a high emotional competence allowing them to move freely throughout social situations, they have this trait of the teapot calling the kettle black. “I only murder and rape my victims I would never cut their face like … “ The description of Hannable Lector by Clarissa “He would never do that he would consider that rude” and also the antagonist in Lolita Humboldt’s alta ego pedaphile Quirty. Gagne doesn’t disapoint here as she is quick to point out other less noble characters who suffer from “fauxiopathy” ( BPD) While she willingly lists and justifies her equally disturbing behavior. One lesson for those 95% who are prey to these predators Take note of those who display her descriptions and run don’t walk from them before you are crawling — as irresistible as their alure portends. This is the only kernel of wisdom to be had from her memoir.