This is one of my top 10 ever. The only reason why the critics are so harsh on this movie is because our generation is so spoiled and distant from reality that they just cannot relate to something so vulnerable, real and sensitive as this piece.
This movie is about many things and, to me, one of the most important ones is about being present in your circumstances. Being an active character of your own story. Surpassing the materialist way of living that is so dominant in our days and taking everyday moments to step into your own shoes. As Cortega would say, "yo soy yo y mis circunstanzias".
As for the comments on being too dramatic, I'm so very sorry to bring you the news that our own reality is very dramatic —you're all just too numb to see it. The dramas of this movie are death, divorce, alcoholism, aggression... Nothing else but what secularism eats for breakfast.
The narrative is brilliant and you must pay very much attention to it, as well as the virtues that build each character. The story will play tricks on you (as does life).
The photography is beautiful and changes along each chapter and mood. The soundtrack reminded me of Hans Zimmer Interstellar. The actors are amazing.
Life Itself will break you into pieces and them bring them all together with the strings of your own dramas. Don't miss the chance to watch this.