I haven’t even finished the campaign but I’ve seen enough to put in my two cents' worth. What irritates me the most is that you cannot skip the cutscenes and the reason for that is that I find the plot and storyline to be insufferable and the character writing is to say the least excruciatingly horrendous, something went terribly wrong there, someone needs to get fired. I didn’t connect with any of the characters. The story is such a cliche and you already know how everything’s going to play out. I’m very enthusiastic about the war and I find history very interesting but damn! This is some woke garbage. I’d love for them to drop that nonsense and get back to their roots and bring us games like WAW that game had soul, missions and characters that people still remember today. You could tell when playing it that the people behind it but a lot of effort and work into it. These people had passion for their work and Vanguard is very dull in comparison. Historical accuracy was the last thing on the devs mind when they created this hot pile of utter garbage. I’m just going to wait until Gearbox releases another Brothers in Arms.