I love DC Comics material usually and this movie gets the 2 stars out of the few things that were decent. The actors who are still alive that have played Superman must think this movie's version was the weakest, least-superhero - like viewers have ever seen. I thought the over-the-top evilness of the guinea pig character was way, way too much for my 5-ytear old. Even the other superheroes were portrayed as inept. Was these parts of the storyline some of the themes for the writers' agendas? The gay couple being stuck in a scene lasting a few seconds had zero necessity for the story and the cursing was ridiculous. It's 10 seconds this time, 15 minutes next time and so on. We know what you guys are doing and your works are already seeing the box office shortfall. What has happened to writers' wide-range of vocabulary? For every curse word, there were easy ways to convey the same amount of surprise, disdain, etc the characters were projecting. Let's hope if there is a sequel the writers will have gotten our "drift" and write accordingly.