Ms. Amanpour, I am very disappointed with the choice of your guests in your programs because they are very "one sided". Best example tonight's program, I turned the TV off because the religious guests you've picked who were so dishonest. President Trump has Jewish son-in-law, his daughter converted to Judaism, he is loved by Israeli's but your guest was bashing him, and blaming him for what is happening in this country. What needs to be done is this country is to have reporters/media talk about the facts and stop the "commentary" business. This is why I and many of my friends stopped watching/ listening commentators and instead we watch the live debates, live hearings etc. even if that is in the middle of the night. That gives us the true picture of what is said, by who and whom we have elected to govern our Country.
Therefore, I totally disagree with your journalistic approach because you have talent but you've lost honesty and that is big problem for me. Yes, I believe that this president did already so much for this country but no one, including you, is honest enough to talk about that instead everyone finds every day something wrong with him, and that is WRONG. Also, don't ask your guests what they think it should happen to change our country's situation because we know that by doing so you expect them to bash the President. If you really would like to have honest and peaceful world start with yourself. Remember? "...the peace begins with me".
I wish you the best and hope that this message will help you understand that some of your work insult our, (the viewers) intelligence.
Today, Nov. 5th, your "feminists" guests were making a lot of sense about the past but not so much about the present time. Nowadays young women lost the class and common sense. Therefore, again not all that was talked about was true and I would expect of you to get to the bottom of the truth. For example ...Gloria S. claimed that it is about ..."who controls woman's body and what she does with it", that is only 50% true. What is most important is who pays for her body's illnesses after she decides to be irresponsible. I am a woman and I don't care about other women's decisions but care a lot about my financial responsibility for their medical bills. And that is the more important 50% of the problem.
I hope that one day you will talk about that aspect of the women movement which should include responsible women and their point of view. Thank you.
Sophie B.