Pretty much JWE 1 but less looking at the cool dinosaurs and more like repairing the fences and micro-managing every thirty seconds. Sure JWE 1 was good but the graphics are not the best, some of the models are very similar or the same as the first game. However, the deal-breaker that made me return this game is that the dinosaur selection is just as basic as in the first game. To get aquatic and flying reptiles, which is the only reason I wanted to get this game, you must get the $70 "DLC" on top of the $40 you already spent buying the game. Oh and P.S. the "DLC" is a separate "Deluxe edition" that does not let you transfer your data from the standard edition because it is a totally separate game. Also on PS4, the frame rate is bad especially when you use a ground vehicle. If the car is attacked it sends you rolling which is cool but if you try getting away you will just tip over unless you stop for a second or two. To get certain basic dinosaurs you need several DLCs costing about $20 each as if you weren't spending enough money already. TERRIBLE GAME it would have been infinitely better if the developers just charged around $15 dollars extra and you get flying and aquatic reptiles, and other basic dinosaurs, and they have some DLCs for more obscure ones. If you are willing to sit through hours of fixing fences because the ankylosaurs' has broken the fences 7 times while you were trying to make them comfortable and then scanning them to then see if they are comfortable every 6 to 7 minutes because it was someone's bright idea to make you scan all your dinos every few minutes to see VERY basic stats then go right ahead and but it. Also if you are not willing to pay $70 for the 5 dinosaurs you wanted in the first game, then this game IS NOT FOR YOU. worst $40 I have ever spent!