The show has no creative writing behind it. It’s writers and executive producer show a negative ability to only craft storylines for characters that are hypocritical, misogynistic, abusive- verbally violently & sexually. They also use real life situations and social problems for storylines as a means to attract viewers before dropping them or ignoring intentionally. Take for instance a storyline in which a young black girl in college was drugged and her accuser was never arrested or it was never investigated further now she’s being accused of committing a crime where she illegally filmed her friends having sex even though she was completely drugged and passed out during it. This was five months ago and she was arrested for a crime she did not commit with the police no longer looking further into it. The trial after being arrested 2 months ago is still going on and has been taking a backseat to a storyline involving a child having a fourth custody hearing. Favoritism over choosing Privileged characters in regards to middle class black characters and other characters of color are highly on display right now . This show’s lack of equality, high amounts of favoritism and zero appreciation of its fans are the reason you should not watch this until their issues are resolved.