I’m going to be honest. Yes, everything was easily predictable. So what. That doesn’t mean this movie wasn’t awesome and incredible. I feel like the idea of wondering what lies in the black depths of the ocean and most importantly, the world famous Mariana Trench, or just at the VERY bottom of our ocean, is scary and terrifying by itself. This movie brought that into the world even more and made it even more terrifying and curious. For me at least. I’m not scared of the ocean and don’t get scared by horror movies easily. But this was one of those movies that made me tuck my legs under my blanket and curl my toes out of stress and fear and just feeling uneasy. You can say what you want. Think what you want. But, I’m giving it 5 stars. That ancient wonder of what lurks at the bottom of our oceans is and always will be terrifying and fascinating. And this movie depicted that well I thought.