I began watching this show because of Don Lemon. Yes, he made a lot of missteps. What was plain to see from the beginning of the show's conception is that Don was on his way out and Collins was on an epic rise. All signs seemed to show that Chris Licht was pushing Don Lemon out. For the past 10 plus years of my life, I'd fall asleep listening to Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon and wake up to whoever was on in the morning. CNN was my network for everything, until Licht took over and removed Tucci, Bell, and the other special programming and took the only black, gay anchor off primetime. Lemon might misstep, he might stumble, he might fall, but he would hold people accountable and make people of color feel comfortable seeing someone that looks like them on air. I'm not black or gay, but I'm not color blind or blind to the reviews written here, like Mr. Licht. He needs to read these comments and either admit he was wrong and leave or someone needs to take away his power. Seeing Trump lying on the air, insulting a woman a jury just decided was liable for sexually abusing and defaming insult her because Ms. Collins wasn't ready for primetime and too eager like her boss, Chris Licht. I can't keep watching this show or this network till he is gone. He is turning my beloved network into Fox light, and I intend NOT to drink the Kool-aid or tune in to the 24 hour Collins on the air network with the seasoned talent as backup singers.