We used to look forward to, and enjoy the positive, objective and quality jounalism CBS SM invigorated us with for the entire week. CBS claims to also cover the news in a show in which the intro rolls words that cover arts, culture, design, music, etc. Since CBS SM has made this political, I will respond the same. With the exception of Ted Koppel's work, CBS Sunday morning clearly has chosen to take politcal sides by highjacking an award winning show by dominating 50% of the programs time and content with surreal Leftist views, propoganda, and gaslighting coverage. I would have appreciated the same coverage of the 6 block take over in Seattle that on all counts could be described as a "mob" who inflicted ACTUAL desctruction of a federal building, violence, and intimidation of citizens of this country who were afraid to come out of their homes because of domestic terrorists policing the streets for weeks. They were coined as peaceful protestors. Where was that segment? CBS is no better than any other media outlet. Now I have no single reason to own a television. Good job of keeping it classy, nuetral, and inspiring. LOOK at your ratings and read your letters! RIP Sunday morning. ~Signed a critically thinking independent who has no partisan qualms with reality or history.