Even as someone who was aware of the invasion of privacy by social media companies - to some extent - I had no idea of the frightening level of exploitation and manipulation. I wondered one day, why every news article in my FB feed had one comment showing and it was ALWAYS from a troll for the political opposition. So I posed that question to FB friends... No accident, right? No, it isn't, it's there to suck me in and keep me engaged, spending more of my time. One person suggested I watch this movie. It's really sick... Big Brother (1984) is here. I'm closing my social media accounts. That won't protect me fromall of it, but it will help. I also got off of them for the whole summer last year, because I realized I was getting physically sick and emotionally disturbed. Now if course, COVID and the election have thrown us into their grasp more tightly. Everybody needs to be aware of what is happening. I highly recommend this documentary and getting more info from additional sources... especially if you're young. It's gonna be your world.