Dreadful, boring, belt-fed Woke bull. And.."Based on a true story" Yeah right !
Rose is portrayed as the stereotypical foul-mouthed Oirish tramp/drunk: in fact the Oirish tramp emphasis is constant and the very heart of this second rate excuse for a comedy. As a child, we are told, Rose and her Grandpa used to burgle the homes of old people ( Nice !). Forced to leave Oireland ! and now living in sin ( Oooh !) with an unemployed West Indian.
Typical Paddy in fact ! well what does one expect ?
But Begorrah to be sure ! Rose is saved from the nasty local police by a lovely, kind, conscientious Indian girl (PoliceWoman Moss) who is clearly destined for a stellar career in the Police.
Problems ! Rose was English. She was a Londoner. Her first husband was killed in WW1 and she was later in a relationship with another Soldier.
Policewoman Moss (Gladys) wasnt Indian, she was a local Sussex girl. None of the real characters were BAME.
Not that youd know that from this tripe.