If you're looking for funny, filtered, rainbows and unicorns kind of show, this is not for you. If you like drama and you're not easily "triggered" or part of the "cancel" culture you've found the latest show to binge watch. I loved how they showed the parallels with mother and daughter going through their own troubles. I loved that it did show what lengths kids go to including self harm, drinking, eating disorders and sex because it does happen. It's good for parents to realize that just because kids are in young it doesn't mean they aren't going through heavy things, and sometimes the things we do affect them. I forget that myself sometimes and I catch myself thinking "wait until you get older and the real problems start". Life lessons learned. I thought the writing was great... It made me keep wanting more so they got a 5 from me but like I said everyone's different and I'm not easily offended. I'm also hard to impress. I personally did not like the last season of "You".