The book has some interesting premises, but its dismissal of religion as a foundation of human DNA is fallacious. He correctly writes that our intelligence and ability to communicate makes us rulers of the world. His premise that we obtained these by a mutant gene and not by a Creator God is absurd. He also, like all others who focus only on evolution to explain our existence, cannot point to any scientific evidence to explain the different species. Evolution WITHIN a species is well documented with fossil evidence. But evidence of links between species is non existent. Yet, evolutionists falsely claim that science proves evolution.
Progressive creation by a Creator God with evolutionary development is only plausible explanation.
The reason religion is prevalent and existed among the earliest caveman drawings is that Man hungers after his Creator. God planted eternity within the human heart.
This book is an interesting introduction into the early origins of Homo Sapiens, but grossly misses the mark on the how.