The story revolves around the year 1913 in Amazonia, the well known wild and dense forest in South America. The story is based on Adventure , Thrill, Suspense, Discovery, Humour, Love, Hatret, Loss and Sorrow. The story deals with the adventure and expedition of three explorers, the protagonist of "Chader Pahar", Shankar (Dev) , Marco Florian (David James) and Anya Florian (Svetlana Golokava) who wanted to discover the Golden city of Amazon , El-Dorado. It is the 100th production of SVF production house with a budget of 25 crores.
The story revolves around the year 1913 in Amazon Rainforest . It was the time just before the year of The First World War (1914-1918).
The film showed a very good historical landscape of the Rubber plantation in Brazil that started in the year 1910 and is commonly known as "The First Rubber Boom" ( also known as "Minier-de-Oro-del-matho-Graso"). The movie also executed landscape of how the rich Merchants used to torture the local merchants.
Beside El-Dorado ( the golden city) the film also showed some very good scenarios of cities such as Manaush, Santosh etc and lifestyles of tribes such as Mura, Tupi, Eyanomami etc.
According to me , the graphics (VFX) was not so good with respect to the budget of the film. Certain graphics making procedure were lacked especially while designing Anaconda, Butterflies and Crocodiles. Many stock footages were used in this movie.
The Virgins of the Sun, the mythological women warriors of Amazonia are displayed well but I found during execution the director, Kamaleshwar Mukherjee had missed out something for which the VFX had lacked.
The sound effects of the jungle were very nice . I could feel the essence of the deadly Rainforest .
But during the themed music of Amazon Obhijaan designed by Indraadip Dasgupta, I found a mordernised flavour of the themed music of the film "Chayamoy" directed by Haranath Chakraborty which was released on 2013.
The ending song of the film, "Chol Naa Jai" sung by Arijit Singh was also nice.
The cinematographer, Soumik Halder had done a great work. I could feel the atmosphere of the dense and deadly forest . The underwater shots and the fighting scenes of Gold looters of Amazonia were awesome. But I found some scenes were cut by the director especially some of the fighting scenes between Shankar and Anaconda.
The film editor Rabi Ranjan Maitra also showed his full potential for making of this film. The filters used in the film were appropriate with respect to the scenes of the dense Rainforest.
• We know how it feels to shoot continuously for 38 days in the water of Amazon with lots of mosquito roaming around and bitting you .
• We know how tough it is to shoot at the deadly forests of Amazon where every step is dangerous and life risked if you don't have a proper guidance.
Thus in conclusion , I liked the movie. The movie is nor too good nor too bad. (Dev has improved his vocal skills.) One may say making a sequel of Chader Pahar is indirectly an insult to Bengal's one of the greatest writer Bibhutibhusan Bandopadhy but I believe we should try to taste different flavours rather than to be closed in a limited boundary. Thus if you want to experience the atmosphere dense forest of Amazon and witness something unbelievable in Bengali cinema, you should see this movie...
Nice work Team Amazon Obhijaan!!
《 First film in Bengal to be released in 6 different languages like : Bengali, Hindi, Odia, Assamese, Tamil and Telugu.》
{An appreciateble work !! First bengali movie dared to shoot in Amazon Rainforest with full unit!!}
(A must watch film with family this Winter)
VERDICT : 6.2 👍