My heart fully goes out to the 70 plus women victims, and I very deeply feel with the horrific pain & torture they wrongly endured. May The Lord grant them good healing for their terrible injuries and full compensation & justice for the excessive abuse they took. Yes, I further pray that the severely evil man who made these hyper-scam calls will be caught and put to death, for he certainly deserves no less!!
This case especially touches me, for I was also abused. It was a totally different kind of event and did not have the horrors of these cases. But it was abuse, so I especially feel with others who are abused.
The movie was literally fantastic; many comments complain that it was exceedingly horrific and repulsively sickening --- but that is exactly what it was supposed to be!! It was supposed to glaringly show the extreme depths of sadistic cruelty and utter depravity that evil people are capable of doing to others.
It needed to also show, and actually did show, how absolutely easy it is to make innocent people willingly submit to and totally comply with even the most extreme demands of outright tyranny. (We saw this on a global scale in the Covid crises, when vast masses of people throughout the world quickly submitted to & fully complied with tight regulations that were grossly unfair.)
Many comments angrily exclaim that it is not possible that real people would have been so ignorant of their rights. Sadly though, very many real people ARE grossly ignorant of their rights. This was not only in Covid and in these reported 70 plus cases, but in other cases too. If victims had just known their legal basic rights, a lot of abuse would have been avoided.
Yes, we were taught in school that in democracy, a person is innocent until proven guilty and must be given a fair trial. We were also taught the Bill of Rights to the US Constitution forbids police to make unreasonable searches. Evidently, our schools have now fallen short of teaching these crucial principles.
Many comments exclaim that it is not possible that real people would have believed just a phone call. Sadly though, very many real people are not aware of the telephone scam problem. So when they get a scam call, they think the caller and his demand is real.
The movie needed to also show, and actually did show, how absolutely easy it is to make good upright people become enforcers of outright tyranny and cruelly abuse their fellow citizens. Sandra explained to the police she just "wanted to do the right thing." She was also scared that as (she thought) a crime had occurred in her store and police were investigating, if she did not help them, they may ARREST HER and put her in jail.
The movie brilliantly shows that while it may have been "understandable" for Sandra to INITIALLY believe this "Officer Daniels," as time went on, more and more items kept coming that made it GLARINGLY OBVIOUS that this entire thing was an absolute total scam. So her & Van continuing to keep exactly following every single one of Daniels' increasingly bizarre & evil orders all the way up through the end was completely illogical and severely wicked.
In the War Crimes Trials after World War II, the courts readily rejected evil Nazi officers' claims of "they were just following orders" and "they would have been killed if they did not follow the orders."
Immense praise goes to Van, for he immediately recoiled in sheer horror at what he had been led to do. Sandra though, had zero remorse. Her actions showed she did NOT want "to do the right thing," but just protect herself & her business, with zero regard for even her loyal employee's most basic safety.