This series has set the benchmark very high for me. This is the kind of entertainment that I want to subject my eyes and brain to,henceforth.
One thing is for sure, how you look like or what race you belong to, doesn't matter. The basic human emotions are all felt at the same wavelengths by people all over the world.
Being a viewer of this great masterpiece was for me like undergoing a surgery into my own emotional self. Some lines and moments were so full of value that you feel - wasn't that the obvious truth, life is actually this simple ..
I watched My mister, also by the same writer.
It inspired change, for the good, in me.
I am sure the english translation would have taken away some part of the beauty of this delicacy of a series. But even then I am eternally grateful to have had the opportunity to savour this gem of a series week after week.
I hope it gets the fame it deserves. I wish many people watch it and get the simple message so beautifully crafted by the crew and cast.