I'm a huge fan of the original and I have to say I did not like this as much as I was hoping to. 😔 Besides the decision to show the attack on the Air Temple in the beginning of the series, I didn't care for all the small changes they made. Most of them were pointless. And I know they couldn't have possibly fit everything from the original into it but going from the original 20 25 minute episodes and cramming it into 8 45minute-1 hour episodes, they're missing so much of the plot and background information. Due to this, the whole thing felt very rushed in my opinion. Most of the character design was great, besides Master Pakku. He just looked very artificial to me. Seeing the creatures come to life though was very cool. Netflix over used Slow-motion captures though, it seems like every battle scene was slow motion for at least half of it. Some of the acting was not as great as the original as well. Over all I would say it's OK. Definitely better than the movie by M. NIGHT SHYAMALAN 😅
I will watch the rest of the story to its entirety in hopes that with each season it gets better but as of right now it will probably be a 1 time only watch for me.