* there is a delay feel after you click for like 0.2-0.3ms.
* if you spam click to move right and left, the system deletes your commands!
* square based movement.
* no AWSD movement
* Evolution of Combat (AKA: EoC) is a need, but the animation delays, and animation canceling screw your brain... half done feature!
* there is no good PvP, nor mini-game PvP
Game play:
* It is a game where you split your screen into 2 and watch YouTube or a movie while playing, it is so AFK!
* if you lie to someone(and I did that!) that you use bots you'll get banned, and they don't Ever respond.
* the free part of the game is only 10% of the game!
* you'll get sexually harassed if you are a female character, and Jagex is heading towards nudity in their female clothes....
* You'll spend 1000 hours of your life watching an animated character hacking a tree, pulling a fishing rod, wait wait wait wait.....
* there are so many mini-games in the game that they're all dead!
* massive world with a lot of useless places, it is like hey let's make a new area just because well to expand the world, some places you'll only visit for quests!
* the game has no purpose, it is like grind to showoff your total exp or gather money to showoff your amour!
* unbalanced items drops from bosses which inflates the economy.
* some skills are complete useless, COMPLETE USELESS!!
* you'll not have fun training a skill after 80 it will be complete grind.
* most of the players are AFK no one responds actually!