I don't know Gearbox managed to make a bad spin off game of the D&D themed dlc from the 2nd game that was so great. The DLC had great music for each area, fun tie ins of well known characters, great sound design and that unique gearbox sense of violent and inappropriate humor. Yet with this new game all of that is lost and the dialogue is so boring. On top of that you could have told me this game came out 10 years ago with how it's graphics look identical to borderlands 2 but worse than borderlands 3. Guns in the game are not fun to use, unlike borderlands 1-3. Some aspects of gameplay are interesting and different but do not make up for the rest of the game's flaws. The only reason to buy this game is to play cross play with friends or if you're a diehard borderlands fan that loves anything borderlands. Otherwise, go buy the handsome jack bundle and get borderlands 1-3 with all dlcs. It would be cheaper, more fun and last you a whole lot longer than this disappointment.