It's amazing finding out that the book that I'm about to leave a review on has already been reviewed by a whole lot of people on Google here. Quite Amazing! I'm not a talking or a typing type, but all I have to say is that. The book is good, but if you have a perfect life, you border yourself reading it. Well, I don't know if everyone has a perfect life - but if you've got some issues with life, any kind of issues, that made you sad, sorrowful or depressed. Then you can try to buy the book on Amazon.
I like it, but at the same time I don't like it because the words are too deep and mostly causing one to cry. Well, it is already said in the title, Ecstasy of the Dead. Ecstasy, which literally means, Joy of Happiness of the Dead. So, if you've got some issues with life, I'll recommend it. But if you've got no issue with life, you have a smooth and a sweet life, don't bother yourself buying it, because you might end up been empathetic, and sad. I love the book in some sense because it is uplifting, I think it is made for treating depression, and it is a perfect read for people in saddening cases.
That's my sincere review, the book is good and as well not good.