The movie touts an unkept, unclean lifestyle as getting close to nature. Total bull...Is that what crapping in a plastic bucket does for a person?. I suppose lying on the ground is technically getting close to nature, in reality it is not. The lifestyle portrayed in this movie is stressfull, demeaning, frightening and heartbreaking. Don't try to con me into any other interpretation.
It is a dilusional attempt by Bozo Bob and his followers to explain their poverty due to bad luck or bad choices in life.
I traveled in my RV (definitely not to Quartzite, AZ, which is a pathetic pit) Although I passed it several times on the way to other destinations.
I am not insensitive to poverty. When I drove by all those 'nature lovers', grubbing around in the dirt on the BLM land, I always thought 'those poor s.o.b.s, thank the gods I don't have to live like that. No water, no sewer, no showers, Ah, me. Tragic.
The poor Mexican people I saw, as I traveled through rural Mexico, living in the dirt next to the road, certainly didn't feel the absurd emotions portrayed by the characters in this boring movie. They are desperate and seeing them puts a lump in your throat every time.