Been a fan of Pokémon since the original Gold. As much as I love this entry, I'm taking two whole stars away for the frequency of battles. It's actually ruined the experience for me. I don't mean to say "battles are a little more common", I mean EVERY SINGLE STEP in tall grass, I get ANOTHER encounter, even with Cleanse Tag. I'm not exaggerating, EVERY STEP, I watch the counter on the poketch, EVERY STEP its another encounter. I don't even want to battle trainers or gyms anymore, it's just an overall game killer for me. Maybe I'm just unlucky? I HAVE to use repels to get anywhere at all. Please fix this. Also, make it so I can take off the hat please. Some of the costumes look amazing, but the hat kills some outfits for me. 86k for a fit to be ruined by an obnoxiously large hat. Not a fan. Wish I could sell outfits. And the gems from the underground, it'd be cool to sell those too. For pokedollars, not items.