I think if a mainstream network starts entertaining extremists and offering them opportunities to air their hateful views on a standard American TV show, then you have begun to normalize bizarre, distrespectful socially alien behavior.
If this is your stance, your network is complicit in and contributing to our social instability.
The cultural divisiveness we are experiencing has regressed us as a country. Our social norms, our collective traditions, our very sense of right and wrong has undergone a drastic reversal. The hard won rights of all minorities have been trampled and the human values embedded in our constitution have been subverted.
Given the shaky social and political climate in the USA there is no hope for this country to unify around fact, truth, rationality or reasonable goals if even the mainstream media can not be relied upon the keep the lines straight.
Greene's outlandish behavior toward President Biden during his state of the union address speaks to my point. If someone, elected representative or not, can not keep herself within an appropriate range of socially acceptable and expected behavior how can the citizens of this country be expected to do so?
Why, you must ask yourself, would you endorse her this way? Why give this highly inappropriate woman an opportunity to speak to your viewers, as you agree with her
As if she were an admirable, respectable rational individual? Where are your standards? How do you define your role in affecting our nation's fabric?
Do you see yourselves as helping to resolve some of our problems or as mindlessly contributing to them?
How you proceed to answer these questions, to find your network's identity and solidify your place in our collective national struggle will determine not only your fate but ours.
Nancy Alexander