First season = 5 stars
Second season = 3 stars
Third season = 2 stars
The writing has got progressively worse, telling and narrating instead of showing - remember show-don’t-tell Disney? Doesn’t look like it. Plot holes, bad character development, boring characters, the new republic that Luke and Han fought for are reprogramming imperials and torturing them… so they’re basically the new empire; sheesh. Grogs was cute, should have left him with Luke. Why are all the mandalorians living in an cave? Surrounded by monsters? Is this Jurassic park? Never seen so many monsters on one planet before! Where do the tie fighters without hyperdrive keep coming from? So much of the writing makes no sense, wasn’t Mando looking for parts for a droid? Nah, not anymore. Didn’t that do I’d get blown to bits and melt in lava? Yeh, but he was okay. Wasn’t that scientist just speaking to thousands of rich people about his work, like a celebrity who they all swooned over? Yeh, but now he’s a nobody working a dead end job and no one cares who he is. I know I don’t! The writing is garbage. The dialogue is boring. The action is okay, but often doesn’t make sense. And grogu is going to be a Mando? SMH…
Edit: just watched ep6 of season 3… what the…??? Just dropped another star. What absolute garbage. Inter-species romance that serves no point or ads no value to the plot? You had me at battle droids? Jack Black playing…. Jack Black? I thought Mando might get parts for Ig-11 from the droid repair shop… nope. That story line is dead. Why? Cos the writers don’t have a clue where this is going. The last 5 minutes is the only time anything of any value to Mando’s story happens… but it happens to Bo Katan… book of Bo anybody?