This movie was such utter garbage. Don't listen to any of the 4 star reviews. They were not written by real audience members. Heck, I don't even think the script was written by a real person. Seems like AI or some other mindless entity with no actual conception of what is "funny", or "touching" spewed it out.
One word - CRINGE. EVERYTHING CRINGE. Attempts to be funnny.....CRINGE. Attempts to be emotional.....CRINGE.
Completely relied on bright colors and graphics to impress and captivate, which are ALSO PRODUCED BY A COMPUTER....just saying. No human being gets any credit for a single redeeming thing about this movie. They only get eternal shame for making something THIS BAD...
Disney must have sold their soul to the devil, and part of the bargain is they have to humiliate themselves by producing movies and shows this ludicrously cringe. I mean, the cringe factor is so inescapable. No way they don't know it, or expect people to actually enjoy this movie.
I'm not even joking.
And the innocent animal children, expiermented on and chopped up and grotesquely altered by some demented villian with a God complex, all in the name of "progress"???
I guess, that's BAD. EVIL. SHOCKING!!!!