I was initially excited to discover this show, but having watched two thirds of the first episode I already feel monumentally let down by sub-par acting, a plot devoid of soul, clichés galore and astonishingly cringeworthy dialogue. I haven't seen Willow himself on screen yet but I'm not sure I'll even make it that far as I'm already convinced that the Willow I know from the movie won't fit well with these irritating, hollow, self-obsessed characters. And then there's the political correctness. I fully support diversity/inclusion in principle, and other shows have handled it masterfully, but it feels so forced here, right from the opening scene. I have nothing against homosexuality (I'm gay myself) but it's just so in-your-face that it feels wrong and makes me start questioning the writers' motives instead of engaging in the story. I think it would make more sense as a side plot rather than taking centre-stage, given the show's fantasy setting and the tone of the original movie. Overall, a thoroughly disappointing reboot of a much-loved classic. Sad :(
Update: just watched the scene introducing Willow. Every bit as painful as I expected. And to round it off nicely, the end credits music just made me laugh.