First, Maria’s facts are not accurate and only a fact in het mind but not reality. Second, its crazy how many serpents Maria shares that have created chaos in her life. Because the truth is very different than her book, Maria calls the truth tellers serpents and when questioned, instead of facing facts she calls them names and brings up irrelevant things that don’t address the reality of what happened. For instance, Maria didnt lose her insurance for the warehouse, she made a decision without telling her board to not pay for insurance. This was serious as she had employees working in the warehouse without liability insurance. If she told her board she could have stayed open. That is one small example but you can mutiply these untruths as they are on every page. We all hope she has changed for the better but her story should be factual. Many of us have proof via contracts, emails, photos etc but no one wants to hurt Maria. But since the book is written why not be factual in your story and let your faith deal with it? It’s disturbing to read accounts of what happened that are inaccurate and twisted in Maria’s reality. Maria must have known we would read the story and be disappointed and dismayed. 😧