Anyone saying this movie sucks, is just plain wrong.
*Spoiler warning*
This movie is a cinematic masterpiece, the use of angles, themes and colors is just beautiful.
Some scenes are truly uncanny, I have to admit, but they make the movie richer. Watching Ollie struggle with his feelings for Felix was truly a beautiful touch, showing the way real human feelings work.
Aside from the uncanniness, the film using amazing techniques. The red lighting for Felix's death, from the lighting to the overflowing wine, it truly brings it together. Actually, the use of red throughout the entire film shows Ollie's planning and thought process so beautifully. The scene with Felix's sister and after it happens shows Ollie's unstable and quite frankly genius thoughts.
Overall, Ollie's character, thoughts, actions, and his ending makes the movie just something else. If you can stomach the weird scenes, you will find this movie is just gorgeously crafted.