I liked this show but the ending annoyed me. So rushed. This could have been one of the best programmes on tv! I love things like this with time travel and going back to the very beginning. However it was very rushed.
Very confusing when in season 3 gavin sam and the other guy appeared both in 10,000bc and 2021 when surely that cant have happend. When the first 2 season they didnt exist in any other timeline since they were back in 10,000 bc. But season 3 they time traveld to 2021 so surely they would have been 2 gavins. It was very confusing at this point. Some of the main characters such as azaylas grandad just sort of disaapeared no ending to them..
Then when the sink whole opened only like 30 people survived no dead bodies etc..no more building etc and why did it take til season 2/3 for the dinosaurs to appear…humans didn't exist when dinosaurs existed so how was that even possible. There was so many things off that confuse you that you sort of lose the plot. It was all about saving each other when they done that so many times and ended up back together! And dont get me started with levi that was the most pointless plot ever should have just killed him off in the first one.
The amount of times i had to rewind it was ridiculous to understand what was going on.
They were great actors however it should have been produced or written by someone else that knew what an audience wanted! I disagree that they didnt know how to open the show i think the opening of the show was brilliant kept me on my seat and wanting the ending was just meh like what was the whole point