I’ll admit I was a little skeptical when I watched the first episode. If you’ve read little men before, you’ll notice this is different in a few major ways. But something enticed me to watch one episode after the next, and I’m soo glad I did. This show is golden. I love how it has the perfect mixture of its own creativity, and includes themes from the book as well. Even though it’s not a word for word show to the book by any means, it still manages to capture each character, as they would have been if Louisa wrote the show herself. Each character has their own personality, flaws, and ESPECIALLY development. It also deals with some heavy hitting topics like racism, prejudice, grief, equality, the balancing of relationships, domestic violence, major life choices, and so much more. And it does it GRACEFULLY. Arguably better than I’ve seen many other shows do, just as others have said in this review section. I’d rewatch it with fresh eyes if I could. Definitely. Give it a try.