At first i thought it's alright, but i just feel like this expansion is just a rip off of other expansions with different visuals... like an abomination! Specially in terms of the story and the "brand new" roguelike dungeon.
Castle Nathria is overtuned there's no way for me to make it to heroic or mythic. Raids and keystones are not rewarding at all too. Cmon... three normal raids and some raid finder, and just one loot.. The thing is, without getting any loots, i can't climb my way to more challenging keystone or raids, because even if the guild took me to a normal/heroic raid with my item level stuck at 192 (180 at the time i went for normal, 192 after finishing covenant then going for heroic) my wcl logs gonna suck and be kicked out from any other parties. Wish i can solo a raid..
Torghast hurts to play with my main class, all the profession that has to be done to make legendary gear are tormenting tbh.
PVP was never balanced so i won't bother mentioning it.
2 stars for the nostalgia. Bb i'm done