Over all the first part was incredible......
A very beautiful story........Heart touching Survival of two Our Favourite Characters...............But......When you killed Joel in part 2.....most of gamers were like"I don't wanna play it anymore"..........Beacuse he was the main and favourite character.......IT is a humble request from me that if Naughty Dog Developers are seeing this message........Please Please please.......Remake it and make Ellie and Joel don't Die......They are the main characters of the game.....You can't get out them....if you do a remake and Ellie with Joel will be main characters....than it will be more enjoying and more fun playing this game....most of the gamers have made an attachment with this 2......So please It's a request to make this game again.....Yet the story is very diperesing...I will be happy if You will do this and other players will give a positive reaction on this...... Hopefully U Will see this message....