This is an incredible game, contrary to what the bad reviews will lead you to believe. I don't understand what is wrong with the gaming community at this point. I truly believe that people are too spoiled and self righteous to appreciate a masterpiece when they see one.
Obviously, the combat is truly incredible. It makes sense being that the combat is what is the primary focus. There are several stances that can be employed, which drastically add color to your fighting/playstyle. The use of guns as subweapons what artfully done, and the skill tree really opens up your capabilities with them.
As far as graphics are concerned, the argument is ridiculous, as the game is very clearly in line graphically with the art style that team ninja has consistently developed over the years. It's like an updated version of wo long and nioh.
This is absolutely a love child of sekiro and ghost of tsushima, and they executed that concept well. There's also noticeable head nods to team ninjas predecessors, with a whole stance even directly named after nioh. Super cool to use a stance that plays just like it.
It's visually stunning. There are huge panoramic areas, the water in the ocean looks Incredible. The story feels like a classic, but is stimulating and gripping. I feel connected to a lot of the characters enough for them to truly influence my decision making in the story.
It's worth your money and your time. Don't let the review bombs taint your idea of what this game offers. I could go on forever with more detail, but it would ruin the first experience. I'm having a blast playing this on twilight mode, so much so that I'm dreading the inevitable end. I absolutely see myself going for the platinum on this, and I only hope I save enough time to squeeze dragons dogma 2 in while I no life rise of the ronin. Both are excellent installments in a spectacular resumé from both developers.