It's a clean, innocent, family comedy. Appropriate for basically anyone. Very timid at times and slow moving. My first reaction was to immediately turn the show off. The jokes were so corny I couldn't believe anyone would actually spend money on this. When I realized it had more than one season I decided to try it again. You have to give the show a "break in" period to allow it to grow on you, which it did. This goes against my normal policy---I'm not willing to put effort into liking a show, it should be immediate. However, a few things quickly attracted me and I was hooked: it has none of the constant racial issues that typically come out of Hollywood; the characters regularly make jabs at many of the current events in the news without focusing on them; the comedy doesn't offend anyone. The show does allude to the perception that life in certain remote areas of Alaska may be a "bit" more slow than in other parts of the U.S., but nothing hurtful or insulting. They've created an adult cartoon that doesn't use sexual content, profanity, perverted media topics, violence, or political nonsense to make me laugh. I never once felt like I was being beaten over the head with some liberal or conservative agenda. For those reasons, I really enjoy the show. Hopefully, it will draw enough viewers who are also exhausted with the current standard of "adult comedy" in the U.S.