The premise of this movie had potential but the creative execution of it was so formulaic it's irritating so it gets a one from me. Why steal the huge woman idea from It? Why not use mirrors where the reflection gets stuck smiling when she smiled into the mirror? If the curse can fake entire scenes then why not have all the guests look at her and smile? Why make the lead star a moron when she's sharing what is happening to her. Obviously the connection between the suicides and the witness of it is how it's explained not a picture of a dead person. I lost interest around the middle while my wife persevered and I watched while doing chores. This movie could of been great but it turned out totally mediocre. It could have gone deeper into the zeitgeist of our fears and leveraged shared experiences in how sometimes people zone out which would be how the entity could check in to people. The patient who was sitting on the bed smiling would have been way scary if it was cool as a cucumber instead of ranting and raving she's gonna die. It feels like the director is old and following a 1990's formula.