hi, everyone, I agree, yes its a bad movie, and It's not the best, but I mean yes it hides somewhat facism and memes, it is pretty good, but yeah your right, they need better rating on this movie because I loved it as a kid, and honestly, I think the whole parallel universe thing which would be super cool, like they would do a spider-verse, But with THOMAS!!! I mean like if they were to do another live action Thomas movie, they should do like a Thomas-verse Movie! that would be soo cool!! they have like an American Thomas, or a one that Plays for the New England Patriots(with a TOM BRADY CAMEO!) =D or a spider-Thomas, or a diesel Thomas, or a buff Thomas, or a meme Thomas, or a Arnold swarztanagger Thomas, and best of all, He has to fight a parallel version, of drum roll please.... PERCY!! or Lady, and it has like transformers, and anime characters, and super cool fight scenes!! it would be so dope!!! and It has to be like super well animated!!!! and diesel-10 dies in a train crash (LoL) and there's like a massive explosion that causes the rift between worlds, and like we see the avengers at one point, and it would just be awesome!, anyways that's what I think is best for a Thomas movie, also a Darth Vader cameo would be cool,or maybe Cam Newton as the main character, that would be so dope,
anyways that's it