This show does a grotesquely inadequate job of 'tackling' socio-political issues, and it is tough to watch; it is the pinnacle of a white liberal stance that offers zero depth. There was an episode where Ana was a literal Republican who demanded a 'safe space' on campus for herself and her right-wing peers. The takeaway of the episode was that because she personally supported gay marriage and immigration, we shouldn't judge her political positioning—an exceptionally no-nuanced take on what 'free speech' means in the current climate.
The writers of this show are clearly basing the show's political angle on what they see on Twitter and other social media. Hence they are either wholly disingenuous or cannot critically engage with complex socio-political issues.
Either way, if you are even slightly well-versed in gender /race studies and understand institutional structures of oppression, I would earnestly advice giving this show a hard miss. And although it is entertaining, it is hard to ignore the bad takes constantly.