Ignoring the obvious sarcasm and over the top goofiness of these comments here. I'll be honest.
The game itself runs in a very traditional linear story line, so no free world exploration. You are given a set path that forks and gives you different difficulties on each one, but all paths lead to the same conclusion per chapter. There is no right or wrong way.
It is a game that is timing/speed based combat, so whoever acts first depends on the speed of characters. It is not a true turn based system.
This game quickly can get very challenging if one is careless. Watch your resources, watch your health and mana. You do not get to choose when they recover at a whim. So manage your mana and items properly. Also watch for status effects, the characters getting injured do cut down on your resources and can weaken you for the rest of the game. DO NOT LET THEM get hurt!
Now that the mechanics are out of the way,
As for the story?
It's incredible, I had to put down the controller a few times to register what I was forced to witness. The characters are literal children, oldest being 12, youngest being 4, Forced into a war in a massive tank where they are forced to kill to survive or be killed. You can however cheese boss battles if you don't want to lose, but it requires one of their souls, effectively killed them if used. Thankfully this is not forced and the game rewards you for avoiding to use it.
I would say give the game a chance, many get turned off by the, "Furry" motif but it's actually reflective of WW2 and the rise of Nazis. It looks innocent but it is not, as war itself is never innocent