Do you want to have an awful afternoon along with a terrible nights sleep as you think of the dead cats hanging on a tree in the middle of nowhere? Do you want to be fascinated by a movie that depicts racism all over like it's nothing? Well you're in luck because today we have an exclusively reserves mediocre lineup of actors who teamed up with nameless actors to make a terrible movie known as "Last Cab to Darwin".
While watching this movie I thought of all the better films possible to watch, Family Strokes Halloween Pumpkin Special, etc. this was by far the worst I have ever seen.
The director must've been half cut when writing the script to this movie, I can't see in a million years why somebody would make a film like this. How the hell do you get yourself the luck to convince the Today Show to make a feature of a product that euthanises somebody to make a scene in your awful movie.