Victimized the abuser and man that profited off of suffering and continued to set up similar abusive camps. The intentions of the owner of the camps seemed to be positive in the beginning but very quickly spiraled to greed and blatant neglect of the children under his “care”. These kids had absolutely no say in their placement in these camps. Public resources should assist troubled kids rather than have to force parents to choose to sell their kids to a guy in the woods or have them thrown in prison (as the doc puts it these kids only had these two options). Again, glazing over the real problem that our society has: lack of good public resources to help people/kids who: are addicted to drugs, offering effective counseling, skills training, safe places to land in times of distress, community garden to show collective work and reward, and a host of other options that aren’t as barbaric and drastic as torturing kids or throwing them into a prison cell. Don’t waste your time on this “documentary”, it’s a smoke and mirrors of everyone trying to avoid taking responsibility or being held accountable for what was taking place at these camps. Instead read about how the crack epidemic that had a lot of these kids in this situation was made worse by the governments racially/ socioeconomic motivated response to the epidemic.