Well at first i thought it is a sequel from the save me, whose story may have something to do with/continue the cult journey that was in save me 1, but apparently not. And it seems wolchuri itself happened before Baek Jungki's cult huh?
But really, i like it how the protagonist it is not made with the character of a good, pious person, but with a character that is rude and hostile by many people. And I have to say, I was very annoyed with the protagonist, I mean, it's not wrong if people think he is the villain because of his temperamental and somewhat idiotic character.
Then the conflict is also good, generally none of them are genuine and good priests, so between sung chulwoo or prof choi no one can be trusted.
And i do like the ending too, because personally i don't really like too happy ending, or too sad ending, I prefer the ending like this; happy but sad ending.