I don’t honestly get how this movie got good reviews. I really don’t. Way to cartoonish. The villain was a joke. Killer shark was a let down. Y’all made him into some run down version of the Hulk that wants to eat everything instead of smashing. The Weasel was the most pointless character of all in this movie. I thought the Thinker would play a bigger role in the movie. His character was a let down. And now dead too. Like 85% of the other characters casted.
And what was the point of introducing all these new characters if your just gonna kill them off. I don’t get it. The movie was hands down the worst DC produced movie in my opinion. More Worse than Green Lantern.
What happened to killer croc? What happened to Dead Shot ? They taking a vacation?? And no joker?
I thought the first one was decent. But boy did this take a turn for the worse. Such a shame I wasted my time watching The let-down squad. I didn’t watch the same movie as some of y’all because this does NOT deserve these ratings.