This film wasn't for me.
One to many car chases and escapes without credibility.
On occasions, the plot and dialogue was confusing.
The films name " NO TIME TO DIE" is not particularly apt as he did die, and that in itself is not good for me.
l like some nostalgia in the films but I genuinely think that due to the fact that Daniel Craig was finishing, the producers went nuts on the amount of that they included in the film. It could also have been integrated into the film in better ways.
I have a never thought I'd say that a Bond film was to long, but for me it pushed on and could have finished 20 minutes earlier.
I hope I'm wrong as I've adored these films since the 1960's, but I feel that they are about to take a different direction that doesn't suit me, time will tell.
No Bond film is without merit and for Bond lovers it has to be watched and opinions made.