I cant believe I have gotten sucked into this show, but I have. And I enjoy the characters...most of them. Except for Josh, the boys while sheltered, are endearingly sweet. Josh is the only one that "irks" me with his "i-know-everything one that "irks" me. I cant stand his self righteous , i know everything attitude and yet, he never accomplishes anything! And some things dont make sense to me, like for Bears wedding, at one point, the girls were cleaning the barn and the boys were cooking food for the wedding. Ummm, shouldn't that be switched? Shouldnt the mom and the girls be doing the cooking and the guys prepping the barn? So, aside from oddities like that, its not a bad show! And dont worry, Bear. You'll find your princess. Not everyone is cut out for the Bush life. Its gonna take a very special girl and Raven just didnt have it at the end of the day. That doesnt mean there isnt someone for you! Stay strong, lone wolf! ❤ Great show! Josh is the only reason I couldnt give it 5 stars.