The original Matrix film was groundbreaking in both concept and visual effects. Resurrections adds nothing to the original, attempting to resurrect the legacy of the cult classic but instead serving up a decaying carcass.
Watching Resurrections was like taking a sip of what I thought was my favourite drink only to quickly realise that it was vinegar.
Resurrections is an advertisement for The Matrix, showing actual clips of the original throughout which is utterly ridiculous, reminding the audience that the film they are watching is far inferior. The cinematography of the original was sublime, whereas Resurrections is yet another standard glossy Hollywood film with zero thought given to film stock or colour grading - it could have been shot on an iPhone. Void of cinematic style, there are several scenes when the actors look like they are rehearsing.
The addition of friendly, fist-bumping machines and the intolerable 'geek' in the first scene, sucks all class from the film and appears to speak to tweens - a younger audience is less likely to yet be tired of the intensive fight scenes which are the usual head-kicking, face-punching, yawning standard.
I was literally embarrassed watching this film.