Based on the last two installments to the Hellraiser franchise, I wasn't even planning on ever giving this one a chance, but I was extremely glad that I did. While I would have like to see Doug Bradley return to the role of Pinhead, Paul T Taylor did a surprisingly good job and after absorbing the initial shock , I honestly forgot that there was a difference. The storyline is decent and imaginitive, the film is loaded with disturbing and surreal imagery, a dark atmosphere, and solid effects, the newest Cenobite, The Auditer was fantastic, entertaining, and a worthy addition to the cast, and all in all, I think Judgement breaths new life into an awesome and imaginitive series that I feared would never be successfully resuscitated. This review cators to fans of the franchise and my 4 Star rating is on the basis of the original Hellraiser being 5 Stars and the 3rd being more like 2.5 Stars.