I haven't beaten the game yet, but I'm getting into Late Game. I can say with confidence I'm very much enjoying the story so far! However, certain parts of gameplay either frustrate me or confuse me.
Sometimes the game can get really hand-holdy. Other times the difficulty can curve unexpectedly. There's also a surprising number of ways to get Game Over by making simple mistakes. Sometimes they give you fair enough warning, but others not so much. It feels like they were trying to make a game both for younger players and for experienced gamers.
I really hated the Shy Guys Finished Last minigame, and I think this one thing is what's going to keep me from 100%ing the game. It has won the title of my least favorite part of the game BY FAR.
Also, the Boss fights can kind of drag on forever if you don't get your pattern of attacking *exactly* right. Your base weapons basically do nothing so you have to rely on using the Magic Circles. But each of the bosses throw in some sort of gimmick to make the tile adjusting tricky. However, these gimmicks very quickly become highly annoying in some cases. Like the Fire Vellumental. Really hated that boss fight.
Other than these criticisms, I really am enjoying the game! Can't wait to finish it! ^^