I saw Suspiria, about 25 yrs ago, on the sci-fi channel. They called it, the Dairo Argentine masterpiece Susperia. The movie & soundtrack go together. It’s all very unique. Like Phantasm, or texas chainsaw massacre. They have their on things going for them. Those kind of movies can stick with you, when there we’ll made not like today.
It’s a lot of hard work to create something original. That’s what makes something unique, It stands out, it’s different. Texas chainsaw has sound effects that work. If you don’t mind the blood& violence of Suspira,depending on your sensitivity Level. Foreign films don’t have sensorship, that U S has, anything goes.foreign horror is more story & suspense, that American film don’t. With Halloween it’s the music & the story, not the killing, killing doesn’t mean anything. It’s just killing.with out a Story you have nothing.
Some films are mean to be complicated, so you watch them several times,to understand them. You pick upon little things,here and there. Nightmare on elm st is a perfect example. Movie & sound track.